Friday, November 9, 2007

The Power of RED

I m p e r f e ctions....! I PRAISE THE LORD FOR THEM! They (I have plenty of 'em!)sure remind me to be humble! All these years I have met people from all walks of life. And I've had and still have friends/acquaintances that seem to have it all- wealth, talents, good looks, good careers, etc. ,etc., but "PRAISE THE LORD" that I do not envy them because I am convinced that the LORD has given me a gift that will last forever and really..."ALL" that I will ever need for the rest of my life. Let me tell you a short story that happened to me on the road this past tuesday. I was at this intersection at a traffic light that tuesday morning and something got my undivided attention while I was waiting for this red light to turn green. On the rear glass (hood) of this Chevrolet SUV had this big writing in bold letters that said...."I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again....ask JESUS (in red) into your HEART (in red) today - and a phone number was listed. I thought, WOW! that's definitely "radical" and "powerful"! 'Just like the power of the blood of JESUS! I've got to do something like that! Then I smiled and got excited with that thought. That message really "hit" me hard. Now, I've got to pray how the Lord will instruct me how to creatively do something like that. That's wild at heart. with a passion! ;) I've just gotta do it for JESUS!
(My background) All my life I've been well provided by my family until we (my family) migrated to the U.S. from the Philippines. I could still remember that I did not try hard to do well in school because I thought there was not a need to learn all that stuff. I said to myself "you'll just forget all these things you're learning when you grow up". But now.... I'm thinking I wished someone had trained my young mind (then) about life when I was at that age. Honestly, I don't want to blame anybody for that. I know for a fact that things happen for a reason and the Lord has wonderful plans for me. So I am very thankful that whatever "happened" happened in the past. But there were lessons that needed to be learned from that circumstance. I am so blessed that these lessons I experience in life just make me wiser and stronger in my daily walk with God. And that is because I have "JESUS" who is the promise that brightens my every day. Just like what I read on the glass of that SUV...Ask "JESUS" into your HEART today... (which I did eight years ago-Oct. 1999). JESUS! - OUR LORD AND SAVIOR , THE GREATEST GIFT TO ALL!
{The signature of God is written on the tablet of every trusting heart}
JEREMIAH 17:7 (NIV) says..."But blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him.

1 comment:

David Llamoso Talaguit said...

That's all the autograph I want.