Wednesday, October 28, 2009

You Were Created to Bring God Glory

God said that He created mankind for His glory (see Isaiah 43:7). This issue of our bringing glory to God is so important that the Bible defines sin as a failure to bring God glory. "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23). That is, we are not sinners just because we do bad things, but because in our sin we fail to up to the purpose for which God created us, which is to glorify Him.

This is spelled out in detail in Romans 1, where Paul explains why God's wrath is being unleashed "against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men" (v. 18). Those who practice this evil fail to honor God or give Him the glory He is due (see v. 21). And it gets worse, because the ungodly have "exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for an image in the form of corruptible man and of birds and four-footed animals and crawling creatures" (v. 23). They also "did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer" (v. 28), still another way of saying they did not give God the glory He is due.

The word glory means to be heavy or weighty, and it came to refer to something or someone of great worth. Those of us who grew up in the sixties use to say, "That's heavy" when we heard something that was deep or made a lot of sense to us.

When we glorify God, therefore, we are saying that He is a person of great value. We attach weight or importance to Him. Glory also has to do with the way that something attracts attention by the way it shines, so glorifying God means that we draw attention to Him and promote Him as worthy of all praise and adoration. God wants to go public, but since He is invisible, He has created people whose full-time job is to make Him visible so that the world might see and be drawn to Him. We glorify God when we reflect the light of His character the way the moon reflects the brilliance of the sun.

God say that your job and mine as believers is to be billboards advertising His grace to a lost world. And He wants us to grow so that we can display Him more. As we get up in the morning our prayer should be, "Lord, grow me today so I can show You as being bigger and clearer to the people around me."

When I speak about glorifying God, I like to use the analogy of a woman who goes before the mirror of her glory to adorn and beautify herself to appear attractive to others. It's incredible to realize that we can adorn and beautify our great Savior, making Him attractive to others, by the way we live. In fact, God has entrusted His public image, if I can use that term, to His people. Glorifying Him is an awesome privilege and responsibility.

~Inspiration from Life Essentials
for Knowing God Better
Experiencing God Deeper
Loving God More
by Tony Evans

"I praise you, O Sovereign Lord, for my '10th' Spiritual Birthday today. May you continue to teach me to be a good steward in learning more about you and your son, Jesus Christ. SOLI DEO GLORIA. In Jesus name. Amen!!!":)


hope said...

I really needed to hear this. thank you!

hope said...

thank you for sharing this...I really needed to hear this today. may the Lord continue to bless you. You're a blessing to me!