Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Paint palette logo- Center for Christian Leadership/Spiritual Formation at Dallas Seminary

Ever wonder why we have a paint palette as a logo?

Virtually an unlimited number of shades can be created on a palette of just fifteen elemental colors. Mixing some shades more thoroughly and others less creates new and different impressions. A skilled painter can then employ these shades to create an endless number of scenes. It is fascinating to realize the potential for the creation of beautiful, inspirational art with only fifteen colors.

God's work in and through His people, the body of Christ, far exceeds the beauty of any painting. He has created and continues to create individual persons through a unique mixture of elemental colors. An individual's particular shade of color is not
present in any other person. When new believers enter into His body, He applies that unique blend, that special person, to the canvas. As His brush strokes the canvas it
puts the new shade into a larger context of colors. Each shade fulfilling its role in the larger image, designed by the artist to create the ultimate masterpiece (leading to the glorified bride of Christ).

God has created you with a unique blend of characteristics, shared by none other. We believe that the Master has not mistakenly mixed any shade of color, but has a purpose and role for each one on His canvas. Some colors may be useful to the Artist in creating a necessary contrast, others depicting the slightest of variations. However, He never intends to waste any of His work. All are designed to fit into the larger picture of His work on earth.

"Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms" (1 Peter 4:10). God exhorts us to serve one another; however, our service is clearly colored by our unique design by God. The term used for "various forms" is the Greek word "poikilos." This term means
"various kinds, diversified, manifold." A second definition of the word is "many-colored, variegated."

In the context of God's universal desire for His people to serve and love one another, He finds pleasure in diversity. The form of this service takes on many shades, in light of the unique gifting assigned to persons by God and the grace God bestows in order for each person to utilize his or her gifts in the body of Christ. Our vision at Spiritual Formation is that every believer will understand his or her unique shade and role on God's great canvas. We long for the saints to be prepared, equipped, and encouraged to fulfill their roles in the body with greatest impact. As that occurs, Christ will be demonstrated to the world accurately through His body, and others will be added to the canvas.

~Life Change, Spiritual Formation- Center for Christian Leadership/Spiritual
Formation at Dallas Seminary, Dallas, Tx

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