Sunday, November 4, 2007

Time to change

I can't sleep .... got to do something with the Daylight Saving Time. Spring-forward Fall-backward... therefore we gain an hour sleep today. 'Got time to share my thoughts right now. There's something different that's happening to me these days. I think it's tied in with the time change. I've been thinking....hmmm. From my personal relationship with the Lord I know for a fact that God's hand is always moving so I'm asking myself how I see God's activity in my life right now. I'm pondering how this time change is affecting my current spiritual condition. What's significant about this change in time?

Okay, I got it! What the Lord is teaching me right now is for me to easily adapt to changes. HE knows everything about me. HE already knows I'm always willing to adapt to changes... but this time around it's a little bit different- it's the next level up-"intermediate" style. Whooaw! I think and feel like I'm riding in a roller coaster going up (it's long as I won't feel sick after this ride!) . Our God is so humorous! It just tickles me when I complain to Him (at first) about the tasks that He wants me to do and then I do them anyways because I'm afraid (reverent fear) of the consequences of my disobedience to Him. "FATHER KNOWS BEST" is my frequent self-reminder. I sure don't wanna miss out on God's blessings (even the blessings I can not see) in store for me.

Psalm 19: 14 (NIV) says... May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.